Angielski grupa zaawansowana

Grupa zaawansowana zajęcia 9 (11.08.2020)

Accommodation [akomodejszyn]: A place to stay. (noun) – miejsce pobytu
Alternative [alternaive]: Another choice. (noun) – alternatywa
Appreciate [aprisziejt]: To like, enjoy. (verb) – docenić coś. Przykład: I appreciate that – doceniam to.
Award [ałard]: Something that is given for being very good. (noun) – nagroda, wyróżnienie
Balcony [balkoni]: An outside space enclosed with a protective edge. (noun) – balkon
Bar: A place to sit and drink, and also eat food. (noun) – bar
Basement [bejsment]: A space under a building. (noun) – piwnica
Bed and breakfast: The price includes the room where you sleep and the food you eat for breakfast. (noun) – pobyt ze śniadaniem (śniadanie w cenie)
Bellboy [belboj]: A person who carries guests’ luggage to their rooms. (noun) – tragarz
Bell – dzwonek
Booking: To secure a room to stay in a hotel (same as reservation). (noun) – rezerwacja, rezerwować
Buffet [bufee]: A counter where you help yourself to food. (noun) – bufet, szwedzki stół
Building [bilding]: A strong covered area that protects from the wind and water. (noun) – budynek
Check-in: To arrive at a hotel and get access to your room. (verb) – zameldować się w hotelu
Check-out: To leave a hotel and stop using the room. (verb) – wymeldować się z hotelu
Choice: The act of making a decision. (noun) – wybór
Comfortable [komftybl]: Very soft and cosy. (adjective) – komfortowy
Complimentary [komplimentari]: Something that is free. (adjective) – należne wyposażenie
Concierge: A person who can organise special requests for hotel guests. (noun) – manager hotelowy
Convenient [konwinient]: To be very easy and just right. (adjective) – odpowiednie, wygodne
Credit Card: A method of payment. (noun) – karta kredytowa
Cuisine [kuzin]: The prepared food that is available. (noun) – kuchnia w znaczeniu typ jedzenia np. Miditerrian cuisine
Double room: A room with one bed that two people can sleep on. (noun) – pokój dwuosobowy
Efficient: Well organised. (adjective) – dobrze zorganizowany
Elevator: A way of going up or down in an enclosed box driven by electricity (American English). (noun) – winda
Expensive: To cost a lot of money. (adjective) – drogi
Facilities [fasilitis]: The areas and items that are provided for use. (noun) – dodatkowe atrakcje
Fitness centre: An area with a gym and swimming pool. (noun) – centrum fitness
Front desk: The place where the receptionist works (same as reception desk). (noun) – biurko recepcjonisty
Fully booked: To have no rooms available (same as no vacancies). (adjective) – w pełni zarezerwowane
Guest [gest]: A person who is staying in a hotel. (noun) – gość, osoba w hoteli
Hostel [hostel]: A cheap hotel that caters to young people. (noun) – tani hotel
Hotel: A place where people pay to stay for short amounts of time. (noun) – hotel
Housekeeping: The people who and action of keeping the hotel clean. (noun) – opiekun budynku
Inn: Another name for a hotel, often found in the country. (noun) – hotel, inna nazwa
Lift: A way of going up or down in an enclosed box driven by electricity (British English). (noun) – winda
Lobby [lobi] : The entrance area of a hotel, often with places for guests to sit. (noun) – poczekalnia, hol
Luggage: The bags that travellers take with them. (noun) – bagaż
Luxurious: Something very special, comfortable. (adjective) – luksowe, specjalne
Maid: The person who cleans the rooms in a hotel. (noun) – pokojówka
Manager: The person in charge of the hotel. (noun) – manager
Mini-bar: A small fridge in a room with food and drink that has to be paid for. (noun) – mini barek w pokoju
Motel: A cheaper hotel. (noun) – tańszy hotel, hotel przy drodze
No vacancies: To have no rooms available (same as fully booked). (adjective) – brak miejsc
Non-resident: Someone who does not live or sleep there. (noun) – ktoś, kto nie jest gościem hotelu
Parking: An area where you can leave your car. (noun) – parking
Price: The cost, how much money. (noun) – cena
Provide: To give, supply. (verb) – Dostarczyć. Przykład: I will provide You a soap.
Reception desk: The place where the receptionist works (same as front desk). (noun) – lada recepcji
Reception: The area where guests arrive at a hotel and check-in to their rooms. (noun) – recepcja
Receptionist: The person who greats guests and takes bookings. (noun) – recepcjonista
Relax: To unwind. (verb) – odpocząć, zrelaksować się
Reservation: To secure a room to stay in a hotel (same as booking). (noun) – rezerwować, rezerwacja
Resident: Someone who is staying. (noun) – ktoś kto mieszka w hotelu, gość hotelowy
Restaurant: An area that serves meals. (noun) – restauracja
Room: The area in a hotel where guests stay. (noun) – pokój
Room service: When a guest orders food or drink to be delivered to their room. (noun) – serwis pokojowy, serwis hotelowy
Security: The means that are use to keep something safe. (noun) – ochrona
Single room: A room with one bed that one person can sleep on. (noun) – jednoosobowy pokój
Staff: People employed by a hotel. (noun) – pracownicy hotelowi
Tip: The extra money that a guest gives to hotel workers. (noun) To give extra money to someone that helps you. (verb) – napiwek
Twin room: A room with two beds for two people to sleep on. (noun) – pokój dwuosobowy z dwoma osobnymi łóżkami
Vacancies: To have rooms available. (noun) – wolne miejsca
Vacate: To leave. (verb) – wymeldować się, wyjść
Valet: A person who parks your car for you. (noun) – osoba parkująca samochód gościa
View [wju] : What can be seen from the hotel (often the sea, mountains or something beautiful). (noun) – widok
Waiter [łejter] – The person who serves food in a restaurant. (noun) – kelnter

1. Rezerwacja pokoju.
Sytuacja: chcemy zarezerwować pokój dwuosobowy z widokiem na morze. Zależy nam na tym żeby miał jedno współne łóżko. Chcemy otrzymać śniadanie do łóżka. Przyjedzemy do hotelu około godziny 22.
I would like to [aj łud lajk tu] – chciałbym
Reservation [rezerwejszyn] – rezerwacja
Double room [dabl rum] – podwójny pokój
Bed and breakfast [bed end brekfest]- śniadanie do łóżka
View [wju] – widok
Arrive [arajw] – dotrzeć
10 PM – 10 wieczorem
Sea [si]- morze
What (co) can (mogę) I (ja) do (zrobić) for (dla) You (Ciebie)? – Co mogę dla Ciebie zrobić?
Double room [dabl rum] – podwójny pokój
With [łif] – z
View [wju] – widok
On the [on de] – na
Sea [si] – morze
Bed and breakfast [bed end brekfest]- śniadanie do łóżka
Sytuacja: chcemy zarezerwować pokój jednoosobowy z widokiem na góry. Chcemy otrzymać śniadanie do łóżka. Przyjedzemy do hotelu około godziny 10 rano.
I would like to reserve [Aj łud lajk tu rizerw] – chciałbym zarezerwować (przed czasownikiem)
Single room [singl rum] – pokój jednoosobowy
With [łif] – z
View [wju] – widok
On the [on de] – na
Montuains [małntajns] – góry
I would like bed and breakfast [aj łud lajk bed end brekfest]- chciałbym śniadanie do łóżka
I will arrive at 10 PM [aj łil erajw at ten pi em]- ja dotrę na miejsce o 22.


Zadanie domowe:
Sytuacja: przyjechali Państwo do hotelu i nie mogą znaleźć swojego pokoju. Proszą Państwo o pomoc tragarza. Po otwarciu pokoju okazuje się on brudny. Wołają Państwo managera w celu wyjaśnienia sprawy.

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