Angielski grupa zaawansowana

Grupa zaawansowana zajęcia 15 (13.10.2020)

Can You drop us off near the entrance? – czy możesz nas wysadzić przy wejściu
Lets take the escalator – skorzystajmy ze schodów ruchomych
Lets switch seats – zamieńmy się miejscami
We are about to land – za chwilę wylądujemy
We will take off soon – za chwilę wystartujemy
We are going to wait here for a boarding annoucment – poczekamy tutaj na zapowiedź wejścia na pokład
Trunk – bagażnik
Tray – taca, płaski pojemnik, pojemnik na przedmioty do skanowania
Pass – przejście/przepustka/pozwolenie
My turn [maj tern] – moja kolej
Amazing – wspaniałe, zachwycające, zdumiewające
Queue – [kju] – kolejka
Compartment – przedział
X-ray machine – rentgen, skaner
Directly [dajrektli] – prosto
Claim – odbiór np. bagażu
Does that mean? – czy to znaczy?
Carry-on bags – bagaż podręczny
Passing through – przejście przez …

My friend bought a plane ticket to London. He was going to her dauther who had lived there for several years. On the day of departure I was with her at the airport to say goodbye. The flight to London was delayed by an hour due to a strom. Moreover at check-in was overweight by 1 kg. Therefore she had to pay for excess baggage.
Moreover – ponadto
Therefore – w związku z tym
A late passenger ran into the airport. He didn’t look well. He was nervous and very pale, but he had no fever. He quickly checked in and walked towards gate nr 12. He passed out and felt before boarding the plane. Flight attendand called an ambulance and the doctor took the man to the hospital. It turned out he was infected with the coronavirus.
We had traveled from Cracow to Lisbon. Our flight started from Balice. Next we had stopover in Madrid and then with second line to Lisbon. We had one large luggage and one hand luggage. In Madrid it turned out that large luggage was too heavy. Spanish airlanes had different rules than the ones we flew. We had to pay for excess luggage.

I had a flight very early. I walked up very early. There was a traffic jam on the way. At the airport I arrived in the last minute. Speaker said this is the last call to check-in for my flight. I went to passport control. I had nothing to declare. Then i went to the security gate. During the security check my hand luggage made a sound. They told me to open the suitcase. I didn’t had any dangerous items, but i had hairspray over 100 ml. They took it and i could go to the boarding gate for my flight. Before boarding i put my suitcase on the scale. It was OK. I got my boarding pass. Had a seat my the aisle and i put my suitcase to the overhead locker. I sat down and fastened my seatbelt. The plane took off. It was a charter flight.

I had a flight to Bangkok with landing in Frankfurt. I arrived to Frankfurt and at the check-in in my gate the guard asked me what I have in my hand luggage because is could be dangerous. I dont know German language so I was very stressed. I did not know how to say „these are my medications”. Everything ended well becuase my friend came to help me and explained everything.
Drug – lek, narkotyk!!

Zadanie domowe:

  1. Nauczyć się zwrotów i słówek wypisanych na początku tej lekcji,

Video 1 – obowiązkowe. Proszę je obejrzeć i wypisać nieznane słówka lub ciekawe zwroty:

Video 2. Nieobowiązkowe. Troszke szybsze tempo i bardziej skomplikowane słownictwo, ale z napisami. Proszę spróbować obejrzeć, a jeśli będzie za trudne, pominąć.

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